Envision takes security seriously and utilizes enterprise-grade best practices to protect our customers’ data.

Continuous Security Monitoring

Envision uses Microsoft Azure alerts to monitor the Envision Click2Coach platform in the cloud. These alerts provide insight into services that may not be performing optimally so that our Cloud Operations group can address these issues before most customers see them.

Envision also uses Drata’s automation platform to continuously monitor 100+ internal security controls across the organization against the highest possible standards. Automated alerts and evidence collection allow Envision to confidently prove its security and compliance posture and maintain a culture of compliance across the organization.

Employee Trainings

Security is a company-wide endeavor at Envision. All employees complete an annual security training program and employ best practices when handling customer data. Envision holds contracts with the Department of Defense and many Envision personnel are certified with DOD level security clearance.

Penetration Tests

Envision works with leading consultants to perform routine network, application, and API layer penetration tests on our systems.

Secure Software Development

Envision employs an agile yet secure software development lifecycle that requires all product development to be performed on Envision supplies computers and equipment that are also managed by Envision with standard malware and anti-virus products. Code reviews are performed on critical path areas that could pose security threats and gaps closed.

Data Encryption

Envision’s Click2Coach Cloud produce encrypts data in transit using HTTPS and encrypts call and screen recordings with 256-bit Azure Encryption Services providing a highly secure environment.

Vulnerability Disclosure Program

If you believe you’ve discovered an issue in Envision’s security, please get in touch at Our security and cloud operations team promptly investigates all reported issues.